Welcome to jrcookandassociates.net! This is my home on the Web for all of my writing.
You can find my audiovisual work on my WordPress blog at jeremiahcook.net.

And, if you’re THAT curious, here’s the most recent copy of my resume. I’m always looking for new opportunities to share ideas, new students to teach, or new/old friends to share a cup of coffee with.


  • Back In the Saddle

    As we approach the closing months of 2023 and head towards the beginning of 2024, the future looks very bright for me. Indianapolis EMS is now a part-time job, and I spend my days in the classrooms of Pike High School, shaping and molding the next generation of EMS professionals.

  • Improvise...Adapt...Overcome

    Back in December, I started a post about the holidays - and one of my favorite quotes, found in a quite unassuming place in Katie’s parents’ house…

  • Not the Academy Director

    Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that the Indiana Department of Homeland Security just hired Chief John Shafer as the new Fire Training Section Chief and Director of the Indiana Fire and Public Safety Academy.

  • The 300 Project, 2022-2023

    Some days start late. I roll over, hit the snooze button a few times (more like an hour’s worth of snoozing, I’m not gonna lie), and barely make my desk on time. Some days start way early. Today was an early day. I got up, got my mind engaged, and settled into the mental mindset to deal with the organized chaos of keeping Indiana’s largest single-site 911 EMS service up and running. I looked at downloading some podcasts I’ve been meaning to listen to. As I was getting focused, 22 minutes of Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics, Fourth Edition, the classic S&T book by Chief John Norman filled out my Audible selection for the morning. On my nightstand, my latest literary purchase - which made my sling bag for the day.

  • Playing around...

    So. Here I am. Writing my first post from the convenience of my iPhone.

  • Welcome to Jekyll!

    You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

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